A VDA szervezet szabványokat és de facto szabványokat szolgáltat a német autógyártók számára. Több mint harminc üzenetet fejlesztett ki olyan cégek számára, mint a VW - Audi, Bosch, Continental, Damiler AG.
VDA üzenettípusok:
4902 - Transport Label Barcode-enabled incl. VDA 4913
4905 - Call off
4905/2 - Call off - Delivery Instruction (Odette Message DELINS)
4906 - Invoice
4907 - Remittance Advice
4908 - Credit Advice
4911 - Prices
4912 - Delivery Note incl. VDA 4913
4913 - Delivery Note
4914 - Odette specification for file transfer
4915 - Detailed Call Off (JIT)
4916 - Call Off Just-in-sequence
4918 - Vehicle Identification and Transport Data
4919 - Vehicle Arrival and Departure Notification
4920 - Forwarding Instruction
4921 - Delivery Data
4922 - Forwarding Instruction incl. VDA 4913
4923 - Enquiry (Odette Message ENQIRY)
4924 - Offer/Quotation (Odette Message OFFERR)
4925 - Purchase Order
4926 - Acknowledgement of Order (Odette Message REPORD)
4927 - Equipment Statement and Equipment Movement
4929 - Delivery Note (Odette Message AVIEXP)
4932 - Invoice (Odette-Nachricht INVOIC)
4951 - Engineering Data Message (ENGDAT)
4970 - Delivery Forecast
4971 - Collection Order
4972 - Dispatch Note ex Works/Plant
4973 - Vehicle Arrival
4974 - Vehicle Departure
4975 - Change / Information Note
4976 - Change / Information Confirmation
4977 - Damage Note
4978 - Repair Start / End Note
4979 - Ready for Dispatch Note
4980 - Loading Instructions