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EDI tutorial

EDI message usage and scenarios

The use of EDI messages generally differs across the various industries with regard to the type and data content structure of messages. Accordingly, different industries are characterised by different message scenarios.

Common messages in manufacturing scenarios:

Forecasts: DELFOR, VDA 4905
Call-ups: DELJIT, VDA 491C
Delivery notifications: DESADV, VDA 4913
Invoicing: INVOIC, VDA 4906


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Message use in the scenario of the automotive industry

In this scenario there is a great number of forecasts (DELFOR) depending on what is considered a forecast and what an order. In such mixed cases the transmission of a direct call-up (DELJIT) is usually omitted. A very important message is the dispatch notification, which almost all clients expect to receive. Large automotive companies often use reverse billing (self-billing). In such cases clients simply issue the invoice to themselves and settle it. This is to avoid disruptions to their cyclical, automatic processes due to the date on which the supplier sends its invoice. In both regular and self-billing invoice data are based on the data of call-ups and delivery notifications.

Common messages in general commercial scenarios:

Orders: ORDERS
Delivery notifications: DESADV
Receipts: RECADV
Invoices: INVOIC

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Message use in the general commercial scenario

In very rare cases the scenario can also include the order confirmation (ORDRSP) message. The inclusion of the inventory report (INVRPT) message is more frequent, primarily in the case of central warehouses. In general, a single invoice is associated with each order. Invoice data are based on the data of the order, the delivery notification, and the receipt (if there is one).

Common messages in consignment scenarios:

Sales report: SLSRPT
Invoice: INVOIC
Delivery notification: DESADV
Inventory report: INVRPT

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Message use in the consignment scenario

In this business structure, after the initial stock-up of the warehouse the products are on consignment with the buyer of the supplier, who in most cases is a distributor. Payment is due after the sale (INVOIC), and the sale automatically launches the resupply of the product sold (DESADV). The supplier is usually informed of the sale from daily sales reports (SLSRPT). For the purposes of taking inventory and updating stocks with new products weekly, monthly, or even quarterly inventory reports (INVRPT) are sent to inform suppliers.














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