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EDI and sectoral organisations

Organisations related to EDI:

There is a large number of organisations related to EDI and registration. From these, we list the organisations for the standards used by us:

UN/EDIFACT http://www.unece.org/trade/untdid/welcome.html

The organisation that issues and maintains the EDIFACT standard under the aegis of the UN.

VDA (Verband der Automobil Industrie) http://www.vda.de/de/index.html

The issuing and maintenance organisation of the VDA standard of the German Automotive Industry Alliance

Odette http://www.odette.org/

European organisation of the automotive industry, which issues and maintains recommendations for EDI and communications standards. It is the issuer of the OFTP and OFTP2 communication protocols and the authenticating and registering body of Odette.

ANSI (ACS) X.12 http://www.x12.org/x12org/index.cfm

The X.12 EDI standard of the USA. It was originally issued by the ANSI (American National Standard Institute) and is currently maintained by the ASC (Accredited Standards Committee). For this reason, it is also known as the ASC X.12 standard.

GS1 Global Standard (EAN International) http://www.gs1.org/

International company and product identification organisation and the registering body of the GLN ILN codes of companies and EAN and other IDs of products. This organisation also manages national recommendations for EANCOM standards.

Website of the Hungarian GS1 organisation: http://www.gs1hu.org/

Sectoral organisations:

Automotive industry organisations:

MAGE (AHAI) – Association of the Hungarian Automotive Industry: http://www.gepjarmuipar.hu/

MAJOSZ (AHACM) – Association of Hungarian Automotive Component Manufacturers: http://www.majosz.hu/

Commercial organisations:

EDI glossary

Many foreign words and abbreviations related to EDI have become part of professional usage. Their explanations are given in this glossary:








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